
The following link is to a draft paper authored by Mark C. Gemperline August 8, 2022.

 The following link is to a document that presents an evaluation of dioxin transport at the former Krejci Dump Site, Ohio.

Subsurface 1D Transport of Dioxin Beneath Dump Site with footnote citation of proceedings

The following link is to a document that presents the general concept of risk-based composite sampling and the method for determining the minimum requirement for the number of specimens to be included in a composite sample.

Limiting Site Soil Characterization to SCHS with footnote citation of proceedings

The following link is to a document that presents MCG sponsored research related to the use of recycled materials in flowable fill.

Beneficial use of recycled materials in flowable fill (CLSM)

The following is a link to a document presenting the results of MCG research related to the constrained modulus of gravel.

MCG Final Ms Study Report031410

The following link is to a slide presentation that  summarizes observations of the rate and nature of dioxin migrate into the ground beneath the former Krejci Dump Site. The presentation was given at DIOXIN 2015 in Sau Paulo Brazil.  A related paper will be presented at the 26th Annual International Conference on Soil, Water, Energy, and Air, March 21-24, 2016.

Brazil Dioxin 2015 presentation

The following link is to a poster that summarizes the important concepts underlying risk-based composite sampling and presents a method for selecting the minimum number of specimens required for a composite sample. The poster will be presented at the 26th Annual International Conference on Soil, Water, Energy, and Air, March 21-24, 2016.

Consequential Hot Spot Poster 2016

The following are links to papers and presentations that pertain to the development of risk based composite sampling and the Krejci Dump Site.

1993 MC Gemperline Paper Presenting Conceptual Hot Spot

1994 BOR Memo Presenting Krejci Site Composite Sampling

1994 MC Gemperline Composite Sampling and Conceptual Hot Spot

1999 MC Gemperline Weighting with Composites to Find SCHS

1999 Gemperline Presentation

1999 MC Gemperline T&A Magazine Article Case History

2002 MC Gemperline 2002 Presentation Case History

2015 MC Gemperline Krjeic Case History Wrap-Up Presentation

Krejci Data Usability Reports and other Krejci Related Documents:  The following links provide soil data collected during the Krejci Dump Site  cleanup effort in the context of an evaluation of data usability. The links also include a few related documents. Data in DUR 3 is referenced in the paper: “A Field Example of Dioxin-Like Compound Transport in Consolidated Glacial Till.” This paper was initially prepared for the conference Dioxin 2015 and later expanded for inclusion in the proceedings of the 26th Annual International Conference on Soil, Water, Energy, and Air, March 21-24, 2016.

DATA USABILITY RPRT 1 pp 1 through 130

DATA USABILITY RPRT 1 pp 131 through 260

DATA USABILITY RPRT 1 pp 261 through 390

DATA USABILITY RPRT 1 pp 391 through 520

DATA USABILITY RPRT 1 pp 521 through end

DATA USABILITY RPRT 2 pp 1 through 130

DATA USABILITY RPRT 2 pp 131 through 260

DATA USABILITY RPRT 2 pp 261 through 390

DATA USABILITY RPRT 2 pp 391 through 520

DATA USABILITY RPRT 2 pp 521 through end


Krejci 1996 Dioxin and Furan Data

Krejci 1996 Dioxin Sampling Plan

5 18 12 Final DUR 3


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